Meet the Team

Lead Pastor
Hi, I'm the Pastor of NUMA CHURCH. I'm married to Jeni and have two kids: Josie + Josiah. I love music (U2, Brian Doerksen, Delirious), baseball (Dodgers), playing basketball (they call me "two-shot"), and being around people. I'm inspired, most of all, by God's love and truth and want to be a part of a community that wants to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:18)

Director of Kid NUMA
I am a husband, father, Liverpool fan, pizzaholic, self-proclaimed comedian, Tolkien understudy, dungeon master, and ultimately a son. I have a deep love for Asian American communities and the experience of the immigrant settling and growing up in America. Numa is my home and I am excited to teach and walk with the future generation growing up around us.

Stewardship is an ethic called forth to Christ followers. I serve the church by overseeing the finances. My role is to provide a layer of accountability for the financial well being of Numa.

NUMA is a community of believers. Being a part of this community has made major contributions to the person that I am today. I look back at the past 9 years with NUMA and we’ve gone through big and small life changes, challenges, celebrations, heartaches, and happiness together while holding our eyes on Jesus through it all. It is my privilege to be able to serve the people here. But more than often, I am served by the abundance of grace demonstrated through the people of NUMA.